
Declare Yourself

Please check out http://www.declaremagazine.com/ :]
I have to have an internship this summer for a scholarship I have at my college, and I found this internship and it's completely virtual, so I can be wherever I want this summer!

I get the opportunity to write about fashion, which is QUITE wonderful :] If only it was a paid internship, but alas, not everything can be so perfect. hahaa. Hopefully I will have an article up there soon, and I should be writing stuff almost every day starting in May! Woot!
Anywho... at the moment, I am procrastinating studying for a Western Civ exam that I have tomorrow. Starting to get kind of anxious about it, but I am SO burnt out on this class! I'm an English major for goodness sake, I am content reading Wuthering Heights (which I am right now as a matter of fact) and writing 3 to 4 page essays... I don't need anymore information on the Franco-Prussian War or the fall of the Tsarist regime. I have always loved history, but dang does this professor make it boring... Speaking of Wuthering Heights, which renews my obsession for learning about the life of the Bronte sisters (don't judge my English-major-nerdiness), I am also reminded of the clothing of this era, which is the time of Queen Victoria. While high collars and multiple layers of undergarments were the norm, I keep in mind the pastel and cream colors, the lace, and of course I just imagine beautiful little silhouette brooches :] The aforementioned items are ones that I have been rather addicted to since they all went through a "trendy" period about a year or so ago. I bought this pastel pink lace-y skirt and paired it with a necklace I had made out of an antique clip-on earring that looks like an old-style silhouette brooch. I am still very much in love with that whole look - even though I'm sure my redheaded-self shouldn't wear too many pale pieces of clothing... Oh well, I shall obsess nonetheless and imagine Catherine Earnshaw in her Victorian dresses and such. Sorrry.. just another English reference. :]

- Lil


Too Much Time Alone...

... to watch episode after episode of Grey's Anatomy on Netflix's "Watch Instantly."
But also... I am absolutely relishing in the fact that I get to sit on my lazy bum this entire week and not have to worry about classes or school work!
Grey's Anatomy makes me want to visit Seattle.. Well, anything really would make me want to visit Seattle. I keep watching episodes where it's raining, and I want a trench coat like the one Ellen Pompeo's character wears often.

Also makes me kind of want a long, rainy day where I can cuddle up in blankets... wait, no, I definitely don't want that - TOO much of that lately where I live!
BRING ON the tank tops & bikinis!!

- Lil


What's so wise about wisdom teeth?

I mean, really.
I have four less teeth than I had earlier this week. While pain meds take away any discomfort or pain I have, I am consumed by the need for REAL FOOD. First day, it was pudding, ice cream, and a little bit of soup. And not nice, hot soup. No, it must be warm according to my printed instructions from the doctor's office. Today, things weren't as bad... I managed to DRIVE, I repeat, DRIVE myself to the nearest Kroger for real food. There was nothing but soft, sugary things in our house. And while, normally that would be like heaven (I mean, several chocolate pudding packs and a gallon of chocolate ice cream?!), but today I needed real food. Which I bought in the form of three boxes of Stouffer's mac and cheese, some Campbell's chicken noodle soup, and a packet of instant mashed potatoes. Don't judge me.
But what is so wise about these so called wisdom teeth..? I never saw them... and now they are gone, never to be seen...
I understand that they may be the last teeth to develop or grow in or whatever... But take my grandmother: She lived through World War II, the Cold War, all the other wars since then. I consider her a wise figure, I mean seeing the world as much as she did when she was a nurse in the Air Force. Yet, she claims she never had wisdom teeth. They just never showed up.
Now what exactly does this say about how people before named our teeth? Or other parts of our body for that matter?
... Don't even get me started on the funny bone...

Haha, well.. during my confinement to my room during my spring break (yea right... no break here.. only surgery... chhh), I have read through my latest Teen Vogue, three W's, and an Allure. Before I did go under "the knive" though, I did manage some shopping time, thank goodness for living in an actual city and not the city where my college is located... I bought a cute purple blouse (see-through, floral pattern) and a cream & navy striped high-waisted skirt, which I hope will be perfect and formal(ish) enough for an internship this summer!
WHICHHH, I am still looking for possible internship positions... To go along with my school scholarship, I need a paid internship that goes along with my major, which is English/Journalism. Crossing fingers for something with a magazine - that would be THE dream!

Ahhh, if only good dreams came true...
Hmmm, painkillers telling me to go to sleep ;]